Friday, August 28


这几天,那位男性朋友一直对我说,I‘m addicted 2 u。i miss you。哈哈,是的,我就像毒药,总是轻而易举让他对我着迷。心里很清楚,他是喜欢我的,从以前到现在,他没停止爱过我。这样的男人,是好人吗?虽然路上有个程咬金,但他还是以我为先。可我,比较喜欢暧昧的感觉。暧昧,让人委屈,却让我感到满满的幸福,被宠爱的女人是快乐的。虽然不懂这样的关系会维持到何时,我和他已经在努力珍惜彼此。



3 ღ吻ღ:

~leYing~ said...

Who is him???
lol...I try very hard to read this blog. Usually I wouldn't read them because they are in Chinese, but this time I tried and I can understand abit from the 1st paragraph. But immediately give up to read the second passage.
haha...must be your admirer you are talking about.
I won't be surprise about this because pretty girl always being chased by guys.
oh, good luck on exams! Chat with me whne you are free ya...bye. Miss you lots!

sai gor said...

dear ying ah.. like tat ur mandarin sure got improve alot.. u alrdy can study the pharagraph 1.. very good loh.. hah! hah!

dear apple:
jia you oh!!! n good luck in ur exam n can get 4.00 in every subject!

~leYing~ said...

haha...mandarin ar! Don't know lo, because nowadays I'm surrounded by Chinese people, talking Cantonese and pure Chinese.